# $Id: README,v 4.0 1996/07/14 19:01:51 kb207252 Exp $ The electronic submission tools are use, primarily, to fill up file systems with copies of students files :-). This is the `receive' end of this system, which allows graders to choke many swallow5's to death in less than one term. I have some more bits to this system, helpful scripts and such if anyone cares. The file "install.doc" is a typescript of someone (me) installing a test course with project -i. The "template" file is used to _grade_ student's projects. Of course running the project as the instructor would show a great amount of trust between the prof. and the student. Build a lesser acount and rcp/rsh the binary in using .rhosts -- I would. -- K S Braunsdorf (ksb@fedex.com)