To understand this document

Having a good working knowledge of the UNIX process model, the environment, and local domain sockets would help you a lot.

More than a pipe

Because the idea of a "pipe" in the standard UNIX model is well understood by the community, we've come believe that pipes are `as good as it gets'. In this document I propose a slightly different data-flow abstraction that is useful in situations where a mono-directional pipe is not adequate. This tactic builds on existing technology, requires no new kernel features, and has a good chance of being as useful as the pipe abstraction.

A wrapper is a shell command that creates a service dedicated to a process tree: this service is available to any descendant process by virtue of socket bound to a unique name in the filesystem. Such services are not limited by ephemeral TCP/IP ports, or to the resource limits of a single process -- they are limited only by the number of processes that may be started on the host and by the name-space available for UNIX domain sockets. In effect such services scale out to the total capacity of the supporting host.

Such a service is called a "wrapper" because it wraps the descendant process tree, existing only to serve until that process tree exits.

Wrappers have scope, in that they are intended to serve a fixed process tree. Each can be viewed as part of the mechanics of that environment, not just the global environment. Contrast that with a daemon, which exists for the life of the host, started at system boot running until shutdown, or a network service started as-needed by inetd or a CGI started by a web server, or a service accessed via the RPC port mapper.

Each of those has its place in the structure of an information technologies environment. The wrapper has some features that make it attractive, and that's what we'll start with below.

Features of the wrapper tactic

As we've already mentioned the primary features of a wrapper-based service are scope and scale.

By scope we mean that each of the many users on a machine may have multiple instances of any wrapper active at the same time, and those instances may be enclosed in other instances of the same, or another wrapper. More on that below.

By scale we mean that we are not limited to the number of TCP ports, RPC program numbers, or a system configuration that only the super user can update. Starting many wrapper instances to get the structure required is like starting many filters to get the output format required. It might take nesting wrappers compositionally or running multiple instances in parallel to produce the desired effect.

In the sections below we examine other features of wrappers.

Eat our own dog food

By their nature wrapping services can wrap themselves, in fact the most useful ones depend on this aspect. Each instance of a wrapping service is called a "diversion", much as each element in a pipeline is a "filter". A diversion has a notion of its current state, which is often called the "tableau", and a notion of how it is nested inside any enclosing instances. It may also know something about other related wrappers that cooperate to provide an enhanced service to the client applications.

An example at this point helps: say a wrapper offers a spell checking service. At start-up the spelling wrapper would first check for an enclosing copy of itself, then read stored preferences from any cache in the client's home directory, then check for a cache in the current directory (with appropriate security checks). It might even check parent directories, if that preference is set. The outer-most service, finding no enclosing diversion, begins with a set tableau from the preferences located, or from a default file like /usr/share/dict/words.

As words are offered and corrected they might be added to permanent folder in the clients home directory, or kept only in memory. This limits any locale, language, or similar preference kept by the spelling wrapper to the domain of that program, not any client program that needs the spelling service.

Each login on the system may start as many "spelling wrappers" as needed. Nested wrapper should consult any outer wrapper (if that is the client's preference) to expand the tableau of available words and assume the active preferences. Newly corrected submissions should be propagated as the client has directed, either back to the outer-most instance or trapped below.

As more applications reuse the common spelling wrapper the work needed to correct documents becomes less for the clients; more "clues" are banked in both the running wrapper's state and any configuration files. Those clues are all scoped to the right level, which makes the whole structure better for the client.

Spelling wrappers for more than one language might be active at the same time for the same login. There is no throttle-point in the structure to prevent it -- so it should be supported.

Finding the best source

How should a client pick from many possible diversions? The answer is based on the assumption that the tightest enclosing diversion has the most specific scope. That is to say that it may have indirect access to any less specific elements, and direct access to local elements. So the tightest enclosing diversion is always implied by default.

Clients should be able to select any outer diversion, when that makes sense in the context of the application. There are two suggested ways to select an outer diversion: a `depth' count, and a `direct path'.

The command line specification for depth is an integer prefixed by the option dash. The unspecified depth for the outer, -1 for the next one out, then -2 and -3 and so-on. As a degenerate case an explicit depth of zero (-0) is also allowed, but it is better form to just leave that option out.

Some other command-line option should provide a way to specify a path to the controlling unix domain socket for any active diversion's socket. This allows a client to pick a diversion that might not be part of the current process tree. How the client gets the path to the socket is dependent on the implementation, or might be drawn from the common implementation described below.

A direct path of "-" is another name for the tightest enclosing diversion. That same symbol is often taken, in a filter context, as stdin or stdout: it may be used as either of those as well.

To keep track of the diversion we use the name=value pair environment as a fundamental abstraction. Each service selects a unique prefix (for example a string based on the program named, followed by an under-bar) to manage its diversions. Two key variables are constructed in the environment based on that prefix:

A "link" suffix to denote the count of the active diversions
This variable serves as a top-of-stack indicator. Given the token "spck" for the spell check wrapper, a link value of 2 would be given as:
A number of index variables that act as a diversion stack
Continuing with the "spck" stack we should see at least 2 environment variables in addition to the link value of 2:
a "d" suffix for a diversion that is disconnected
There is a alternate diversion which is used in special cases. Rather than a number it has a name, "d". Like the numbered stack this diversion may be selected from the environment. The "d" replaces the number, for example:

The wrapper programs I've coded all use the same 300 line C module to handle all the manipulation of these variables (viz. ptbw, xclate). The same abstraction in perl is much shorter.

Limited impact of failures

When a global service, like inetd, fails it impacts a large groups of services. When a wrapper fails if should only impact a small portion of the system.

For example, misspelled words may be inserted into a spelling wrapper's tableau. This happens because the spelling wrapper, by its nature, believes the Customer. So an instance believes the Customer when she tells it that a Polish word belongs in the Spanish database. In the wrapper model this should never impact other Spanish speakers.

Clear terminology

Wrapper technology, like any geek-technology, has a vocabulary that the cool kids use. This make is clear which side of the wrapped service you are talking about, and from what view. Remember that the client/server terms don't always work, because the program itself is both a server and a client.
the program
Since almost every wrapper application is both the master and a client we speak of the program when we mean the command in general. The following two sentences are good examples:
Usually the command-line option -m forces the program to start a new diversion in master mode. In some cases the client provided by the program is less feature-rich than more specialized clients.
the parent name-space
Because the unix domain socket used to connect to an enclosing master must exist for the life of the utility it is possible for nested masters to use the same temporary directory to hold their unix domain socket. As long as they remove their socket before they exit, the enclosing master doesn't have to know about the transient entry in this directory. Leaving junk files in a parent name-space is really poor form.
a master
The application that manages the diversion to provide a service to clients. Wrappers are always accessed by a unix domain socket; accepting incoming client connections and servicing them in a fair manner is the primary function of the master process.
the utility
This is the process started by the master after the diversion socket is ready to accept client connections. This may either be a client (itself) or a program that starts clients indirectly. There are also special cases of the utility which are outlined below.
The diversion is always closed after the utility exit's. The time between the process termination and the socket shutdown is application specific.
There is a special case below in which no process is actually started.
the tableau
The state of each diversion is called its tableau. As clients interact with the master they change the state of the the tableau. There may be an option to the client to display a diversions tableau, usually a client of dash (-).
client code
The part of the program that connects to the diversion master, just like in a traditional client/server application. To be a client an application must open the master's unix domain socket to chat with the service.
The client code might also be a library or module that is included in some other program to make a direct inquiry to a master instance without fork'ing a process.
the client
The shell program run by a client instance of the program. The client program usually uses parameters appended to the argument vector, or environment variables inserted by the client instance to access the (parts of the) tableau allocated for it.
a stack
Related wrappers have some special knowledge about how to work with each other. They might use another wrapper as a default utility, client, or friendly name-space to nest inside. These relationships form a "stack", we refer to the "xapply stack" when we are talking about the close relationship between xapply, xclate, and ptbw.
A stack may share name-spaces with other members of that stack. For example when an enclosing diversion of xclate is active a new ptbw instance uses the open name-space for the new control socket.
a diversion
Every time a wrapper pushes a new link in to the environment it is making a diversion. That is to say it is changing the flow of data through the wrapped environment by diverting some of it through the new tableau.

A more detailed example

For example the wrapper "escrow" might use the prefix `esc_' in the environment to denote the service variables. The first instance of escrow would create a directory via mkdtemp(3) (say "/tmp/escdX1234Q") to construct the service socket under. Then build two environment variables:

When a client of that wrapper looks for $esc_link in the environment it notes 2 things:

  1. by the existence of the variables there is at least 1 active diversion.
  2. The top-of-stack for this diversion is "1", looking at $esc_1 the client connects directly to the service.

When another instance of the service (a diversion "master") opens a new diversion it finds the same information and build a new unix domain socket (possibly in the same directory)


Now clients will connect to the new (more local) diversion in preference to the older outer one. The more local diversion may pass some requests on to "e1", or answer them based on the function of the program. Results may be passed verbatim, or modified based on the parameters given to each master in the chain.

This is the general idea. Below we go into some specific details which I'm suggesting become standard features.

Disconnected diversions

The normal nested diversion system allows applications to predict what the depth option means. In other words it would be unexpected for an application that used a wrapper internally to add to the diversion stack.

Any applications that want to hide their use of a master from the diversion stack may do so. The unix domain socket is built in the "d" alternate diversion environment variable (usually specified by the command-line option -d).

Note that a client never falls back to the alternate diversion. It is supposed to be hidden from the normal use, so there are three ways to force it into scope:

Use the alternate diversion variable as a direct path
The command-line option -N is often the direct path option (in my wrappers). So, for example, to force xclate to use the alternate diversion one might code:
xclate -N $xcl_d ....
Set the "link" variable to "d"
This is not a good solution as it looses the current top-of-stack state in the client process. It is, however, supported in the clients I've coded. The above example would be phrased as:
xcl_link=d xclate ....
Force the name of the unix domain socket in the master
My wrapper programs bind to a specific name in the filesystem under -N in combination with -md. When the application has a safe name-space to allocate a specific socket name it should force the name, then send the name to any client processes by its own means.

A good example of the use of disconnected diversions comes from xapply under its -m option. Under this option xapply uses the top-of-stack xclate diversion, if any exists. When none exists it builds a new instance and uses it. The new instances may be disconnected (under -d) or may start a new stack for descendent xapply instances and xclate clients. This "auto-wrap" feature of xapply makes it part of the "stack" -- even though it is not itself a wrapper.

Global master behavior

Starting a "global" master instance of a wrapper in effect wraps the whole process tree. It is often a useful abstraction. For example a we might want to provide a global modem pool to a few application that all run on a common server. Consider what utility we could use to hold the master instance open for the entire production run of the system? We can't really wrap init(8).

We could wrap a sleep command, but they do timeout eventually, and we'd be wasting a process. It would be even worse to code a program to sleep forever (just to waste a process). Well, here is that process (in case you need it):

perl -e 'my($in,$out);pipe($in,$out);print <$in>;'

All the wrappers I've coded accept the pseudo-utility colon (":") as an internal command that never exits. In this case a client may send a shutdown command to the wrapper (under -Q). This shutdown takes effect after that client finishes their interaction with the diversion. This doesn't really limit the use of the ":" command, as it is a shell built-in command and can't be execve'd anyway.

As an alternative one could export the service via another transport. For example some process might provision an RPC service using a wrapper as a primary data source. In that case the master mode should wrap the server process, not meet it at a private socket address.

The global mode is not intended to "swallow" the process tree. That is to say that we don't expect an environment variable representing the global diversion to be inherited throughout the whole process tree. Any global instance is usually referenced by a site policy file, which contains the diversion's control socket name, or a convention that the global diversion's control socket is always in the same place under /var/run (or the like).

How the program name impacts a wrapper

A wrapper runs another process to do the "real work". Some programs look at the name they were called as part of the specification of the work they should do. For example a shell (sh or bash) knows it is a "login shell" if the name of the program in argv[0] starts with a dash.

The behavior of a wrapper is based on knowing its own "common" name. The specification of any other name might be treated as an "option" by a wrapper, in other words it might change the behavior of the program.

There are the suggested rules for dealing with the name of the program for all wrappers. Not every wrapper implements all of these, but most should follow the intent here:

  1. an option may be provided to set argv[0] to an explicit value, but is not required (nor do I have a suggested name for this option),
  2. if argv[0] starts with a dash then remove the dash and make this process a session leader (see setsid(2)).
  3. when the argv[0] is the empty string it should be replaced with the default program name.
  4. if argv[0] is not the common name of the wrapper it should be used as an explicit argv[0] for the inferior process
  5. use the internal colon behavior when the wrapper is a master instance, and argv[0] is just a colon (":"), and there is no explicit utility specified

Finding data

A client requests some service from a master via the unix domain socket provided in the environment. Then it fork's a process with the recovered data provided through one of two channels.

Passed in the environment

The standard model for the client-side of a wrapper exports a "list" environment variable containing the requested data, or the path to the requested data.

The ptbw wrapper makes an easy example. We'll create a tableau of the first 7 ordinal numbers, then ask a client instance to allocate the first 2, in that environment we'll ask the shell to echo those numbers:

ptbw -m -J7 ptbw -R2 sh -c 'echo $ptbw_list'

The example above outputs "0 1", which are the first two ordinal numbers. The data channel that ptbw uses to send the shell the recovered data follows the same paradigm as any "link" suffix variables: the common prefix for the wrapper application specifies which data channel, the value of the variable specifies the payload.

Sensitive data is always placed in a file, the name of the file should give little information to anyone reading the process table for arguments or environment variable values. This is just good application programming, not anything special to wrappers.

As an argument list

An alternative method is to pass the requested elements from the tableau as positional parameters to the client.

In this case we run the same master instance, but request the data under the -A, the client program is /bin/echo, rather than a shell:

ptbw -m -J7 ptbw -A -R2 echo

Only display the tableau

Most wrappers have a client option to just display the tableau, for example ptbw uses the common dash (-) pseudo-client:
ptbw -m -J3 -R2 ptbw -
Which outputs a very descriptive table of the 6 tokens, their names, the fact that none of them are locked, and the request size.
ptbw: master has 6 tokens, max length 1 (total space 12)
 Master tokens from the internal function: iota
 Index	Lock	Tokens (request in groups of 2)
     0	0	0
     1	0	1
     2	0	2
     3	0	3
     4	0	4
     5	0	5

Existing wrappers from the past

Several UNIX tools actually do exactly what a wrapper should do, but might not support multiple nested diversions.

For example screen builds a UNIX domain socket and enters a "master mode" unless it sees a running socket in which case it runs as a client. But doesn't allow nested diversions -- that is to say you can't get a nested screen to exchange data over the local socket with the master above. Which really models a diversion stack of 1 instance.

The ssh-agent program builds a UNIX domain socket, publishes an environment and acts as a master, with other applications (ssh-add, ssh) to act as the clients. In this case it would make a lot of sense for ssh-agent to allow nested agents to chain key requests, with keys that could be deleted by just exit'ing the utility. But it is presently limited to 1 level, and it checks the unix credentials of every client access, which breaks access from escalated applications (like op, sudo, newgrp and su). I would believe the file permissions on the socket, because that's what they are their for. If you want to deny access by default, change the mode after the bind, don't check on every connect for peer credentials. If you really can't trust the superuser on the host you shouldn't be trusting the binary for any applications.

The window program is a lot like screen but less like a wrapper. The program doesn't ever act as a client for itself (it just starts new masters) when enclosed in itself. On the other hand, it does confine itself to the window it is running in, so it does have some recursive functions.

The X server provides graphics services to processes that can see the environment variable DISPLAY. It is not a true wrapper as it only runs in the global mode (that is, it doesn't wait for any wrapped process to exit). If you think of Xnest as a client that creates a new diversion then that makes a whole wrapper stack out of X. (But both programs should take a utility specification.)

The nice program is a very primitive wrapper. Any enclosed processes can see the effect, and enclosed instances can modify the nice value. The same is true for chroot, env, nohup, su, and newgrp because they all work on attributes of a process. Privilege escalation with sudo or op might also be part of the same application class. None of these use a socket to nest instances, and the tableau is the process itself.

Another class would be debuggers, which start a process tree that is served by an enclosing master: viz. adb, gdb, and mdb. One might include truss and ptrace in that group in-spite of their non-interactive nature. They don't use a diversion socket, but if you are really desperate you can use one to debug itself.

Several wrappers I've already coded

The parallel token broker allows parallel processes to gain exclusive access to a "token" for the life of a process. Other clients could be coded to do more fine-grained locking of tokens.
The xapply's collation wrapper buffers output such that parallel processes output a single collated stream without blocking each other, as much as they otherwise would.
This program doesn't provide a wrapper service, but it does wrap itself in instances of ptbw and xclate to provide services.
Replaces the index environment variables for each diversion in scope with a proxy variable, which the standard wrapper code knows how to use. Then installs a link environment variable for itself and starts its utility. This maps all the traffic for the whole diversion-stack through a single socket.
Like xapply this is not itself a wrapper, but it knows host to setup xclate and gtfw diversion.
Not released yet. Execute a utility enclosed by a wrapw client instance on a remote host, proxy the wrapped environment connections over the ssh connection. The wrapw proxy forward of the stack allows the proxy back from the remote machine.
Not released yet. Makes sshw evem more useful by adding a global file proxy (requires FUSE filesystem access).

$Id: wrapper.html,v 1.21 2012/10/07 01:02:53 ksb Exp $