To understand this document

This is a base document. You need to have superuser access to at least 1 test machine to actually see all the available leverage.

The outline

To boot ksb's master source tools you need to dig a pretty big trench. Once you've done it for one server the others are really easy. "Trust me," I said with a straight face.

First we need to build mmsrc which is a C program that includes most of the features of msrc and some of hxmd in a single stand-alone program. We are going to use this too install 11 programs from their master source directories, then we can install the other 60 with msrc (or you can keep using mmsrc).

Other hosts will use the msrc binary on this host to get a "platform copy" of the tools which won't require this long boot-strap process.

Which programs do I need?

These programs get to up to installing msrc, with all the support you need to build the rest of the tool chain I use:
  1. mmsrc from sbin/mmsrc
  2. mkcmd's bin from bin/mkcmd
  3. mkcmd's lib from lib/mkcmd
  4. explode's lib from lib/explode
  5. explode 's binfrom bin/explode
  6. install from bin/install.d ?
  7. ptbw from bin/ptbw
  8. xclate from bin/xclate
  9. xapply from bin/xapply
  10. hxmd from sbin/hxmd
  11. hxmd's lib from lib/hxmd
  12. msrc from sbin/msrc

How to I do it?

Download the most recent boot source packages for ksb's tools. Unpack them under a directory that is not rooted at /usr/src. For example /home/lv426/bob, or /usr/msrc.

You should find a copy of this file in the unpacked directory. You can read that one for a more up-to-the-minute version of, but this one should give you a good idea of what you'll see there.

There is a makefile and a shell script that runs in 3 steps. See that Makefile for more information.

$Id: boot.html,v 1.5 2012/03/21 16:15:06 ksb Exp $